Clean but chaotic


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The Concept

Clean but chaotic is a clothing brand I made in my second school year. I got an 8.0 for the project, I made it in a little less than 10 weeks. For the brand I went for a kind of luxury brand drawing inspiration from off-white and Dover street market. This project was a lot of fun/challenging to make, I learned a lot from this project.


Before I stared the whole designing process I did some research. I looked at brands like Balenciaga and off white and made a trendboard. In the research I found some interesting websites, like the Balenciaga site. The biggest conclusion I took from the research is that expensive brands have minimalistic websites. These brands see their clothing as the centre piece. Unlike cheaper brands for example Primark they focus on the story around the clothing, so their websites are louder.


For a logo I had to keep in mind that it would be used to get printed on clothing. So I went for a simple logo.


I created a more abstract design which took me a few try’s to get the result where I was hoping for. For the starting page I went for the one that made the biggest impression. And for the product pages I made sure the focus is the clothing itself.


I coded the whole website, I struggled a bit with the overlapping elements. But for everything else it was pretty straight forward. See the Site